Monday, October 29, 2012

Why Mindmaster is Better Than Hypnosis

What are subliminal messages and why are they better than hypnosis? In this article I will try to help you gain a better understanding of each are and the positive aspects of subliminal messages. Subliminal messages are: signals and/ or messages that are added into another medium, (such as television commercials) and are designed to pass below the normal limits of our mind’s perceptions. Sometimes, our mind doesn’t recognize them on a conscious level, but our sub conscious mind, will pick it up. This can have negative and/ or positive influences, later on in our thoughts, our different behaviors, actions, and just our basic moral value system. Subliminal means “Below the threshold of sensation or consciousness”.

Hypnosis is another kind of therapy that many people use to help gain control and kind of rewire their brain and way of thinking. It also, requires one to acquire an altered state of thinking, so your subconscious mind can take hold and undergo a “trance like” state that can accept interaction as well as direction.

Now that you understand what the differences are, I can start explaining to you why subliminal messages are so much better than hypnosis. You see, when someone is using hypnosis as a therapy, there are often unneeded stresses involved. The person being hypnotized often feels the stress of knowing they need to relax, but often find it difficult to do so This in turn makes it harder for the therapist to do his or her job.

The entire process of having a successful Hypnotherapy session can be quite lengthy and requires a well trained Hypnotherapist. Just about any person can call themselves a Hypnotherapist, as it doesn’t require any special credentials or skill sets. The technique is good and does work for a lot of people, but not as quickly and efficiently as subliminal messaging.
When you decide to learn about Subliminal Messages or use them, you are deciding to make a vast change in your thinking. Not only can you use your hearing but you can also use “visual” subliminal messages. These techniques both use the map of our brain to access our subconscious mind, and help us to remap our brains and way of thinking. It can help you to overcome, your fears, stop smoking, lose weight or relieve stress and anxieties…the sky is the limit as to what you can do with this technique.

In today’s economical times, people are reaching out to find other forms of therapy. Hypnosis has become outdated, and can be quite costly. More and more people are reaching out to “self help” hypnosis and meditation strategies…and have uncovered the power behind subliminal messages. If you do your research you can find alternatives to going to the therapist and listening to hours and hours of tapes and cd’s. The real power of subliminal messages is out there! You just need to do a little research and go get it.

For more information and detail studies on subliminal messages and hypnosis please visit MindMaster.TV