Tuesday, May 22, 2012

What is Subliminal Messaging

Many of us have heard of the phrase subliminal messaging, but what is subliminal messaging? and can it really affect the way we think and react? It is believed these messages can instruct the subconscious parts of our mind to influence our behavior. It is this belief that led to the introduction of subliminal messaging, and its’ subsequent banning on television advertising.
The idea of subliminal messaging was first introduced in 1957. Since then many researchers have concluded that subliminal messages can be a positive (or negative) form of powerful persuasion that can be used to influence a person’s thoughts or decision making process.

So what is subliminal messaging?

A subliminal message is a hidden message embedded in another object or signal, designed to pass below the normal limits of conscious perception. These messages are not perceived by our conscious mind, but are perceptible to the subconscious or deeper mind: for example, an image transmitted so briefly that it is only perceived subconsciously, but not otherwise noticed.

How are these subliminal messages delivered?

The two most common methods for delivering subliminal messages are either visually or by audio:
Visually these messages can appear on your TV or computer screen. The messages flash by so quickly, you barely even register them. (If you did, your natural skepticism could reduce their effect!) But your subconscious mind absorbs them uncritically.
Audio subliminal messages often take the form of audio frequencies outside the spectrum of the human hearing zone, by transmitting hidden messages within either these extremely high, or extremely low audio sound waves, it is believed that the subconscious mind will hear and react upon them, while the conscience parts of our minds will be unaware of the message or sounds at all.
Whether or not subliminal messaging has an effect on our thoughts or behavior remains to be conclusively proven either way. However a number of studies done on visual subliminal messages at Cornel University, and the University College of London do prove that they are registered by the visual cortex part of our brain.

Conspiracy theorists believe that large corporations and the government are already using subliminal messaging to influence our behavior; it’s just that we, the general public, are totally unaware of it. Hopefully, after reading this article you will be wiser regarding what subliminal messages are, and how they may, or may not, be currently used to alter your behavior and decision making process.
For more information on subliminal messaging and to see published scientific studies please visit

MindMaster is the world’s leading authority on the power of the mind and the positive effects of subliminal messaging.


Monday, May 21, 2012

Hypnosis and Self Hypnosis

The fact is some hypnosis does not work for most people.  If it did you would have hypnosis centers on every corner.  Hypnotherapists will tell you "Everyone is susceptible… to some degree" 

Even if they are it does not mean that hypnosis will work for them.  It worked for me when I was child to help me overcome my fear of the dark, but most other times I have used self hypnosis it has not worked.  In addition I know people who have spent hundreds of dollars on hypnotherapists without any results.
Subliminal programs can be much more effective.  The one at the link below was one that helped me more than hypnosis did.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Overcoming Mental Blocks

How to Overcome Mental Blocks

You have probably had at least one thing in your life that you would have loved to accomplish, yet always seemed to find a way to stop yourself from doing it. It’s hard to understand why that happens, but the reality is that it’s your subconscious mind that is throwing up the road blocks in your path. Think of that part of the brain as the little devil that sits on your shoulder and whispers bad thought into your ear, stopping you from going after what it is you really want from life. The only way that you can stop your subconscious mind from getting in the way is to re-program it so that it starts to work for you instead of against.  That is most commonly achieved by using subliminal messages to get inside the parts that you cannot access and allowing them to basically reboot your thinking system.

For excellent info on overcoming mental blocks visit www.MindMaster.TV

The Science of Subliminal Messages

People tend to be very skeptical of things that they don’t really understand, which may explain why subliminal messages are often regarded as some sort of circus trick that doesn’t really work. The reality is that there has been an incredible amount of study and research done when it comes to all things subliminal, and you may be surprised to hear the results. Researchers from different parts of the world have done independent studies and have all come to the conclusion that subliminal messaging is in fact a very effective tool.  The results were so staggering in fact, that subliminal messages were quickly banned from advertising in a number of different countries across the world. The fact that pictures and messages can get inside your mind and effect a real change can be used for many good things, but the feeling was that allowing them in ads would give companies an unfair advantage.

For exellent information on subliminal messages please visit www.mindmaster.tv